Thriving at KSG Isiolo Youth Innovation Centre
First person narrative by Mohamed Gololcha, a UN Volunteer and Programme Assistant attached to the Isiolo Youth Innovation Center, Kenya.
If anyone had asked me how interesting and impactful my involvement as a Volunteer at the Isiolo Youth Innovation Centre would be, I would have never given a conclusive answer. My experience has been beyond my wildest dreams and I am constantly happy to impact and witness the positive change among youth in Isiolo County.
In September 2020, I had just created Isiolo Youth Innovation and Development Forum — Hangout a Facebook page, to encourage the youth to enroll in youth training centers available and learn practical skills for the betterment of their lives and their community.
In October 2020, UNDP in partnership with the Kenya School of Government (KSG) and Isiolo County Government launched the youth learning center and it was at this point that our visions aligned, and I found myself involved in the youth activities.
Around this time, the youth center was created by UNDP and thanks to the generous support of the Governments of United Kingdom and Norway. It doubles up as a safe space for youth engagement and empowerment with over 100 youth from the county visiting the center daily to train and envision a better world for themselves.
I have seen real transformation in the youth groups who have attended entrepreneurship trainings, essential computer literacy courses, creative and performing arts like dance and drama. The youth have also set up innovative business ideas to create opportunities for sustainable livelihoods in their communities.
In line with this year’s International Youth Day themed Transforming food systems — Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health, we have been training over 150 youth for three months on Hydroponic farming. This has been successful thanks to the collaboration with Miramar International College and Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) towards highlighting youth-led innovations and interventions for a food secure future for all.
Recently, we kicked off weekly Coffee Talks where we invite County Government and community leaders to engage us on youth issues including youth participation and inclusion in county development, governance, health and Access to Government Procurement (AGPO). Hopefully, these efforts will expand opportunities to learn and empower the youth as active citizens in the society.
In the 6 months I have been here, I have experienced growth through the people I have met, the experiences and knowledge earned which have continuously shaped my role at the Centre and I am grateful to UNDP for this opportunity.
Article by: Timothy Maina- UNDP Kenya